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  The 10 most expensive domains on the Internet

Domain name is the name which we usually type on the web browser address bar. For example, we may type on the address bar, here is the domain name. Can you imagine that this domain is worth millions of dollars? We believe that most domains are initially for starting related business and easy for users to remember. But with the popularity of the business, some of the domains become valuable and they are more expensive than some small companies. Below are some mo...

   Domain name,Price     2013-01-01 10:32:06

  Xiaomi band with screen is around the corner

On May 10, the Chinese electronics company Xiaomi will hold a new product release conference to reveal its Xiaomi MAX, a new model of Xiaomi phone. Along with this phone, there will be other product releases as well, one of them will probably be the next generation of Xiaomi Band. In April, Lei Jun, Xiaomi CEO, seemed leak the look and design of a new wrist band while he was attending a company's year end party. This new wrist band should be the next generation of Xiaomi Band. The new band ...


  Microsoft's next generation OS Windows Blue may be free

In PC era, Microsoft is the world's largest software service provider, its revenue  is mainly from selling operating systems and other software services.With the advent of the era of mobile Internet, the free software service concept has been widely accepted, Microsoft has been forced to explore new business models.According to ZDNet, Microsoft's next-generation OS Windows Blue is expected to be released in mid of 2013. The biggest difference between the new version of the OS and the previ...

   Windows Blue, Pirce, Free     2012-11-29 10:54:15

  I've run out of adjectives

The news of Dennis Ritchie's passing hit hard. So much has been written in the past day. His impact was enormous, and outside the tech world, mostly unknown - but very much felt. C underpins everything. My whole career has grown out of C and Unix. Wow.For most engineers working today, it's hard to understand the euphoria I felt in the 70s when a programming language finally came along that I (and everyone else) could use to move up from writing in assembler to a real programming l...

   Dennis Ritchie,James Gosling,Death,Praise,Comment,C     2011-10-20 02:55:58

  Get Facebook, Twitter and YouTube back

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have become part of many people's daily network life. People hang around these sites to network with known and unknown friends, to know about the latest news and to relax with fancy video clips. But what will you feel if all of a sudden you cannot access them? Want to experience this? Go behind the GFW(Great Firewall) of China. Just a joke, but it's real. Huh, you are out of China? Don't worry. Change your DNS server to those located in China. I just experienced it,...

   DNS spoofing, GFW, YouTube,     2014-12-20 21:41:34

  The Balanced Developer

In preparation for a recent team offsite, I spent some time thinking about what I hold dear as a software developer. One idea I kept coming back to is the notion of balance. I see balance manifesting itself several ways in the work of a successful developer, some of which follow.Speed Versus QualityThe most obvious example is the balance of development speed and quality. When building software, it’s never a good idea to write code as fast as possible without any attention toward maintaina...

   Balance,Software,Development,Speed,Quality     2011-11-15 03:02:19

  Programmer professionalism

Programmer is a lifetime occupation. But first, as a programmer you need to love programming, rather than just an occupation to achieve other goals in life.Now if you plan to spend decades of life on programming, then you should continue to think about what is more efficient. In other words, how are you different from who you were a decade ago and how will you be better than who you are now a decade later?In my opinion, a programmer, regardless of his work, should improve himself in three aspect...

   Programmer, Idea     2012-12-10 12:05:24

  One reason why mcrypt responds slowly

This morning one colleague came over and talked about one script which used mcrypt responded very slowly, the server configurations are fine. But the reason for the slowness is unknown. Here is one script which reproduces the issue: <?php $dmcryptText = "dummy"; $key = "foobar"; $size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH,MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($size); //Take care $m = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, $key, $dmcryptText, MCRYPT_DECRYPT, $iv); var_dump($m); When 20 requests of&...

   SOLUTION,SLOW,MCRYPT,RESPONSE,PHP     2012-09-27 12:03:16

  3 meanings of Stack

We may frequently see stack when we read programming books. But many times we may be confused about the different meanings of it. This term actually has three common meanings. Here we explain the three different meanings of Stack in programming. 1. Data structure The first meaning of Stack defines a method for storing data. Its feature is LIFO9Last In First Out). In this data structure, data are accumulated level by level. The data last put in is added at the top of the stack. When using the dat...

   Stack,Memory,Data structure     2014-02-24 04:56:46

  Guide to Help Launch Your Startup Faster

You try, you fail you learn you succeed. It is not as easy as it seems to be because startup is not just an idea; it is a series of processes. Turning the idea into a profitable business and leading all the way through cannot be achieved overnight. An astounding 90% of startups fail to lift their business off the ground. While only a few manage to achieve success and survive for many years. The reason for failure is that most of the entrepreneurs do not know how to take business from start to e...